
As if we didn’t have enough Linux distros floating around, now there’s one tailored to 4-11 year-old girls, allegedly the most user-friendly distribution ever made.

BarbieOS 1.0 is the result of almost a year’s worth of marketing research into what pre-adolescent girls want in a mobile Linux solution aimed at being a desktop replacement.

From what I hear of Barbie’s new technopolitics, I like her a lot more than I used to:

… If Barbie were a career-focused woman working in the IT industry in 2003, she would support open standards,” he says.  “She would be seeking out free and open-source alternatives to current proprietary solutions, saving her company tens of thousands of dollars on management headaches associated with tracking software licenses and preparing for BSA audits.  

Interesting that Mattel hasn’t yet shut this site down; the company was once extremely vigorous about threatening ISPs with customers hosting Barbie trademark violations. I did follow a Google link to another BarbieOS site that apparently had been shut down.

For years, Birdhouse has hosted Mark Napier’s Distorted Barbie, with built-in mirror (so that if necessary, I could cease and desist and the meme would live on). I have yet to receive anything from Mattel regarding the site, so they may have pulled back on their campaign a bit. Perhaps they realized they would never get the cat back in the bag, or that they were actually damaging their corporate image more than improving it, or that the line between satire and slander can be too blurry to define consistently, or…

Music: X :: Sugarlight

Flourescent Green Mutant Pets

Start with a zebra fish. Extract the magical glowing gene from a jellyfish. Insert glowing gene into fish DNA. “Wallah,” beautiful glowing zebra fish. Now these Night Pearls have become a hit as pets in Taiwan and elsewhere in Asia. Meanwhile, Europe and the U.S. fear contamination of the gene pool and have disallowed them, despite promises that all exported samples would be fully sterilized.

Music: Led Zeppelin :: Hots On For Nowhere

Srcmabled Txet

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but The wrod as a wlohe.

Amzanig huh?

Music: Paul Desmond :: Msuic For A Wlhie

Offending By Dazzling Light

The 2003 Worst Manual contest winners have been announced. Who among us haven’t encountered amazingly bad instructions? But this bad?

1. Be tights part E with part I together by fitting M. Also can be installation handle part J in this side.

2. Be tights part D with part H together by fitting M. Like a step No. 1. And may be installation handle in this side too.

Honorable mention went to a manual for assembly of a baby bed:

To protect baby’s eyes offending by dazzling light; To prevent baby from dust.

And so on. No wonder people don’t read Joyce anymore.

Music: Neil Young :: Rockin’ In The Free World


In the 1940s, a chicken lived two years without its head. For reals. The incredible tale of Mike the Headless Chicken. Some kind of tie-in with baald’s chicken head helmet, the chickenfat song, the chicken transformation set, and Tim’s chickenfoot pads. Somehow connected to the original Superchicken: “You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred”

Henry Cabot Henhaus III, the richest chicken in the world, and an amateur scientist, would drink the Super Sauce that his trusty side-kick and butler, Fred, would mix up. The Super Sauce would transform Henry into Super Chicken although it gave him no discernable powers. Thanks baald.

Urban Dictionary is the best place to look up words like “hodad” and “doofus” … Bill Maher: DVDs are for losers! … Standing on the bleepin’ moonGorgeous wagons (and other ephemera) … Etch-a-Sketch – hit spacebar to erase … Not fake news: Giant lizard terrorises Beirut … For someone who needs, nay requires unfettered, unbuttered, poeticized truth upside the head, dole out slackards — with parallels to Eno’s Oblique Strategies … Can a music snob learn to love the ‘Dead? … Disney and Dali collaborated on a movie “I have come to Hollywood and am in touch with the three great American surrealists — the Marx Brothers, Cecil B. DeMille and Walt Disney” … Time for a rousing round of hipster bingo … New movie about Robert Anton Wilson, “Maybe Logic.” Now it turns out the good man is running for governor … Jesus has his own homepageCSS Zen GardenHowdy! … If you’re gay and you love NASCARNicotinis being offered to smoking customers in Fort Lauderdale bars – soak tobacco leaves in vodka before shaking martini … So am I governor or not? … Telemarketing at midnight75 years of Band-Aid … George W. Bush – U.S. President and Naval Aviator – 12″ Action Figure … How to stick it to the man.

Music: James Chance & The Contortions :: Twice Removed

Banana Splits


For some reason, started thinking about The Banana Splits again recently. I watched a lot of them between ’69 and ’71, age 5-7, and they burned themselves into my wee brain. This was in an era when all the tripping hippies went to work for Hollywood and made mainstream TV psychedelic as well. And they did it before there was much in the way of special effects. Sid and Marty Kroffts was running Liddsville, HR Puff-n-Stuff, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters… all these amazing over-the-top sets and absurd costumes. The Banana Splits weren’t produced by the Kroffts, but they did design the costumes and sets.

Anyway. Recently looking through a family album and came across the picture above — me at age 7 in a leisure suit for lads, on a shag carpet with brother John, building the original Aurora model of the Banana Splits Banana Buggy (color pix of that box here). Like most boys, my models sat around for years, then I blew them up with firecrackers at about 13 or so. Would love to have that buggy back. RetroResin is apparently preparing to re-release it.

Joined the Banana Splits mailing list, and the very next day the guy who was inside the Fleegle costume joined the list as well. Amazing.

If your memory of the Splits is vague, listen to the Tra La La Song — it’ll all come back in a rush. Gotta find some videos or DVDs of the old shows, have a festival at home.

Flippin’ like a pancake
Poppin’ like a cork
Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper and Snork

Music: The Seeds :: 900 Million People Daily All Making Love

Wooden Mirror

This is fairly old (1999) but very cool — Daniel Rozin’s Wooden Mirror uses an array of wood chips mounted on tiny servo motors which position themselves to reflect light in something resembling grayscale (woodscale?) in response to a processed image coming in from a tiny camera in the middle of the array. The result is a panel of wood chips that reflects the appearance and motion of the person standing in front of it.

This QuickTime movie is probably the best way to appreciate (catch the second half for close-ups). Can’t recall having seen digital technology used to create such a totally analog experience before. Runs on an old Mac 8600 AV, software written in a combination of C and Macromedia Director, of all things.

Music: Peter Frampton :: Doobie Wah