Birdhouse Hosting is proud to announce the launch of its brand-new, completely redesigned hosting site, along with all-new pricing and features for hosting customers. All Birdhouse users will be automatically upgraded to the new hosting packages as their accounts are migrated to the new server. We’ve also added a new business-level “Plan D” super package for gonzo users. All accounts now come with full-featured cPanel account management access, plus a big bump in the number of email addresses, lists, databases, etc. per plan. It’s like Christmas in April.
Music: Yo La Tengo :: Flying Lesson (Hot Chicken #1)
How exactly do you go about acquiring new customers? I guess the main thrust of birdhouse hosting is personalized service; I’d suggest redesigning that page a bit to emphasize that aspect.
Mosey on down to or similar to see what’s brewing and get a flavor for the market. You could look into affiliate maketing to expand in the future. Check out for that, or There’s literally a whole world out there of web marketing. You might end up a big adsense mogul one day…
Hey Ali – All birdhouse customers so far are people I’ve encountered in one way or another — through this blog, through work, old friends, etc. The idea has always been to grow slowly, in widening circles of acquaintance, and not to have anyone feeling anonymous. Perhaps one day that will change, but that’s the M.O. for now. I do hang out at webhostingtalk from time to time but haven’t looked at; will check that out.