Somebody had to think of it: Print-on-demand gaining a bit more traction? Qoop (currently in soft-launch) will let weblog publishers offer their blog archives as nicely printed and bound books. Birdhouse customer John Battelle is giving it a shot, offering up his Searchblog in print form.
Music: Dirty Three :: Kim’s Dirt
On the face of it – you’re right, it was only a matter of time. Yet, I’m also struck with a sense of “well, whaddya know?”. My eyes almost rolled with the acknowledgement that blogs tend to be an ego thing, yet I caught myself in thinking:
a. There are a number of sites that are run in a blog-fashion, yet offer a tremendous amount of useful information (like some of the popular political blogs) – which could actually stand in pretty good stead to have a hard-copy version.
b. Hard-copy archival! Lord knows, the internet memory-hole (or the ease of re-writting history on the ‘net, even with the utility of Google’s cache moving against such efforts) gives good reason…
Who knows? I’m curious to see how this goes! :-)
Yep – I wrote about the concept a while ago in the Guardian here, though this is the first commercial operation I’ve seen to tackle it head on.
PrintFu ( has been doing great POD for about 5 months now. They focus purely on the PDF manual printing right now. But according to their blog, manuals are only the beginning.