Ackee and saltfish for breakfast. Played in water w babies. Rained and more rain. Taxi to patty shop — patties are Jamaican replacement for American hamburgers – beef or chicken or calallo wrapped in pastry dough and baked. Cheap and ubiquitous.
Snorkeled from beach and met a puffer fish. Also long brown flathead nipping at me … Or just wanted to be near my yellow fins? Couldn’t shake him.
Amy and I celebrated our anniversary with dinner at incredibly romantic dinner on cliffs (very literally) at “The Rocks.” Cliffs so dramatic and sudden they won’t let children under 12 stay there. They’ve built platforms at sea level where you can sit at base of cliffs with sea lapping at your feet, dive right into the deep tidepools. Negril sunsets are among best in world. Not Hallmark sunsets but intense and surreal, now burned into memory.