Three bits of BeOS-related stuff bubbled to the surface today.
* Ludovic Hirlimann contacted me looking for a shout-out. He scored one of the really early AT&T Hobbit-based BeBoxen at an auction a while ago. Here is the version of BeOS it runs. Recently the hard drive died, and Ludovic needs to reinstall, and therein lies the problem — the machine won’t take any of the “recent” versions of BeOS — he needs the antique Hobbit-system install floppies, or a disk image from another machine. Contact him if you can help. He’s looking for the GUI version, not the early-early CLI-only system.
* While prepping some content for, got to corresponding with Matt Ingalls, who wrote some cool BeOS software for computer/human improvisation back in the day. Turns out that Ingalls now runs the Transbay Creative Music Calendar, and hosts it on Robin Hood for BeOS — the same httpd server that drove for years. I’m just amazed that there are not only still so many active BeOS users out there, but that there are still BeOS-hosted web sites. Groovy.
* Congrats to ex-Be employee and blogging friend Dan Sandler for being one of the Slashdot T-Shirt contest winners. I really do like Dan’s design the best, and I’m not just saying that.
*sniff* I’m no longer a mainline geek!
Dan only got Honorable Mention, but I agree, his design rules… :)
the AustinBUG still meets. i haven’t ever attended but they keep the flame burning for the OS that was just too good for its time.
Last BeGeistert in Dusseldorf (May) was the biggest ever if i’m not mistaken. Was my first (aawww) and it really is an awesome event.
It’s not dead, not by a long shot :)