
A few blocks from my hotel in Austin, Tears of Joy hot sauce shack – literally hundreds of kinds of jalapeno/habanero-based fluids. Trying to choose a few to take home is nearly impossible – you can taste about a dozen of them in advance, but for the rest, it’s pretty much a matter of judging a sauce by its cover. And there are a lot of tantalizing covers. Ended up having eight flavahs shipped home, and dived in last night.

Hot Sauces

So far orange pulp habanero is the stand-out favorite, pumpkin chipotle running a close second. But hard to argue with good old Cholula. Now the challenge is to get through all eight bottles before next year’s south-by.

Music: Rufus Thomas :: Steal A Little

KFC Seeks Blessing from Pope

Kentucky Fried Fish for Lent? The KFC corporation has contacted the Vatican, asking the Pope to bless its new Fish Snacker sandwich, thinking it will be popular among Catholics during Lent. If His Miter-ness grants the blessing, it will bind one of the world’s largest religions to one of the world’s largest fast food establishments, in an unholy union straight outta Compton. And the beginning of a trend that will result in churches handing out fast food menus during service, with sanctified items specially marked with circles and arrows and Google Maps mashups with driving directions to participating franchises. Corporate kickbacks could generate enough revenue to replace tithing.

Music: Bongwater :: His New Look