10 Rivers Responsible for 95% of Ocean Plastics

95% of ocean plastics enter the water via rivers in China, India, and Africa. As important as it is to find ways to reduce our own plastic consumption/waste, and to continue finding ways to clean up the existing gyres, we need to focus on ways to help other countries improve their waste management, and to help them install massive filtration systems at the outlets of these rivers. Starting with the Yangtze.

Trash rivers: these 10 rivers are responsible for most plastic that flows out to the seas

Trash rivers: these 10 rivers are responsible for most plastic that flows out to the seas

Just ten rivers are responsible for up to 95% of all river-borne plastic trash that ends up in the sea. Silver lining: cleaning them up would have a huge positive impact.

Source: bigthink.com/strange-maps/these-10-rivers-carry-95-of-all-plastic-into-the-ocean

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