Miles attends the most excellent co-op elementary in Richmond, CA. Very strong parent participation, rich involvement in music and the arts, strong emphasis on science and the environment, loving teachers, etc. But the school struggles to make ends meet. Every year we host a public auction/soiree’. Local businesses donate products and services, great food comes out of the woodworks, hot bands play.
This year the auction night will be Bayou themed, and we’re really looking forward to it. Live in the Bay Area? This is a night not to be missed, especially if you’re looking for a fantastic elementary school. But even if you aren’t, there are great deals to be found on everything from days at the Chabot Science Center to bottles of absinthe. I’m donating a year of Plan B web hosting. Pre-bidding on items starts at biddingforgood, with additional bidding continuing at the event.
It’ll be a great night out. Interested? Contact me, or see the school’s auction page for more info.
I went to bid on plan B, mostly to give the school some money, but the signup process put me off. I understand why, but too much to fill out.
BTW I noticed that Robin Hart-Pointdexter is the kindergarten teacher. Did Miles have her as a teacher? We had her for K and 3rd grade, and LOVED her.
Interesting to hear about the barrier to entry on bidding, I’ll pass that on.
Haven’t had the pleasure of having Robin for a teacher. Another person was the K teacher back then, but she’s moved on since. Leila Zaremba is now the 3rd grade teacher (but 2/3 spend much of the day combined).