Music writing on the infernal interweb is dominated by capsule reviews of recent releases. Some friends and I, missing the days of long-form music rants that intersect with real life a la Lester Bangs (and others), have been chipping away in the background for the past couple of months on a new site – an experiment in music writing, built by/for past-and-present music dorks with jobs and families and precious little free time, but who keep listening from the corner of the ear.
Stuck Between Stations is our project, named for a Hold Steady song and probably best summed up on its Why We’re Stuck page. We hope it blossoms like a swelling itching brain. We hope it doesn’t end up looking much like other music sites. We hope it finds like-minded souls.
Roger Moore has written an indelible treatise on the connection between global warming and The Arctic Monkeys. I’ve poot forth a thing on what happens when iTunes guesses cover art wrong, which morphs into a tract on The Shaggs. And have cross-posted a couple of March’s music industry posts from Birdhouse.
I explain why I’m stuck here. One of my personal goals in working with the site is to get un-stuck, though I don’t necessarily think being stuck is a problem. The site is Roger’s seed. Though it appears to consist of stuff from just him and me right now, that’s not the intent – we want to grow this thing to a dozen or so authors over time.
Let us know what you think.
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