Just back from “Plinkety Pleasures: A Ukelele Revue” at 21 Grand. Singing saws, a washboard with cat food cans and hotel service desk bell attached, ukes of all stripes. First time I’ve seen a banjolele in action. “Just Henry” performed a down-tempo but soaring version of Bowie’s “Suffragette City” that floored me. Stella! had piles of charisma. Tippy Canoe, not so much (though she does possess the absolutely perfect ukulele name). 5 Cent Coffee owned the evening with gritty, soulful, sometimes Tom Waits-ish grit and soul. All of it a total gas.
Music: Mighty Sparrow :: Jean Marabunta
Technorati Tags: ukulele
Hey scot!
Thank you so much for the kind words! I don’t know if you’ve hearad about it already, but we are back at the 21 Grand on Sat Jan27th for a Tom Waits tribute night.
Here’s the info:
5 Cent Coffee presents:
Everything’s a Dollar in this Box:
The songs of Tom Waits on cheap instruments.
Saturday, January 27th 2007
21 Grand, Oakland, CA 94612
Featuring performances by 5 Cent Coffee, Stella, Dogs in Doublets, Pretty Cunt, Liquor Cake, plus many more.
Step right up for an eclectic, multi-media performance celebrating the legendary songwriting talent of the one and only Tom Waits. All stripped down and played on cheap instruments. Two full sets spanning his entire career performed on everything from junk percussion to kazoo to ukulele to acapella beat box and found instruments.
Get behind the mule and come on down!