snodgrass mcfudd jr writes:
foobar is
SNAFU situation normal all fubarred up
asap as soon as possible please correct your spelling!!!!
Dear snodgrass: Since you failed to leave a real email address, I’ll use this space to send you here.
Foobar is a common placeholder name used in computer programming. It has been described as “the association of two metasyntactic variables: foo and bar”. These variables are often used in computer programming examples.
The entry goes on to explain foobar’s probable etymological roots in “fubar.”
Music: Mission of Burma :: Weatherbox
Hey snodgrass, it’s “fouled”, not “fowled”. Please correct your spelling asap!!!
Hey snodgrass,
ASAP stands for “as soon as possible.”
Please stop being repeatedly reduntantly repetetive ASAP.
You might be interested in this link.
Actually I think it’s another F word, similar to FIRETRUCK.
The intraweb rules though for situations like this.
“Your spelling foobar wrong but I’m not using a real email addy to tell you so.”
you considered that his FUBAR “correction” was actually a commentary? ;)
p.s. – i don’t see why one can’t say “all fowled up” and not have it read in the sense that was clearly intended. BA-GAWK!
I’m starting to think that this line of thought is a WOFTAM.