On Foobar

snodgrass mcfudd jr writes:

foobar is



SNAFU situation normal all fubarred up

asap as soon as possible please correct your spelling!!!!

Dear snodgrass: Since you failed to leave a real email address, I’ll use this space to send you here.

Foobar is a common placeholder name used in computer programming. It has been described as “the association of two metasyntactic variables: foo and bar”. These variables are often used in computer programming examples.

The entry goes on to explain foobar’s probable etymological roots in “fubar.”

Music: Mission of Burma :: Weatherbox

5 Replies to “On Foobar”

  1. Actually I think it’s another F word, similar to FIRETRUCK.

    The intraweb rules though for situations like this.

    “Your spelling foobar wrong but I’m not using a real email addy to tell you so.”

  2. you considered that his FUBAR “correction” was actually a commentary? ;)

    p.s. – i don’t see why one can’t say “all fowled up” and not have it read in the sense that was clearly intended. BA-GAWK!


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