The housing market explosion has, apparently, trickled down to the once-ignored playhouse market. Started talking recently about building a playhouse for Miles. Amy started searching online for inspiration and her jaw dropped through her desk. $123,000 for a treehouse, anyone? Last I checked, you can still put a family of four in a real house for that much in parts of the country.
One’s heart goes out to these overprivileged children, living without hot running water and with a barely functional mail delivery system, toiling from cello lesson to polo practice, struggling to make mortgage.
Granted, these playhouses are gorgeous, and gave us a ton of ideas. Daniels Woodland Monkey Mansions are somewhat less absurdly priced, but still off the charts.
We have a playset in the backyard. Drive up in a truck, dismantle it, and it’s yours.
I’ll send pics if you want ’em.
Hey mnep! Thanks for the offer. Not too likely given the hassle of getting me and a truck up there, and we’re looking forward to building it, but appreciate the offer. Sounds like a case for freecycle.
When we were young we built our own tree-house out of broken Pallets and salvaged Nails.
A few weeks later, dad tore it down after he read a story about a boy who hanged himself by jumping out of his tree-house.
I think my Dad was a bit over-protective.
That Summer, to Dad’s Horror, at the Adelaide Jamboree, I did an activity called “City In The Trees”, which involved building a tree-house using Ropes and Pioneering Poles, and sleeping in it overnight.