New J-School RSS Feeds

Built RSS feed generators for the J-School’s student and faculty stories databases today. Nice to be able to test RSS feeds directly in Safari. These will probably be lightly updated now that we’re into summer. Now that these exist, I’d like to build a custom Dashboard Widget for J-School RSS feeds in time for next semester, and load it onto all of the new incoming Macs.

Finally got approval and backing to undertake a massive re-creation of the J-School web site this summer, glory be. We’ll be hiring a designer; the hard work is going to be cleaning up and prepping 1500 pages of static content, taking it out of 1997 mode. Design tables, font tags, non-existent standardization on how pages are constructed. By the time I’m done, every page should be XHTML compliant, lightweight, and with total separation of design and content. We’ve got a heck of a lot of custom PHP/MySQL stuff interleaved, which could make choosing and integrating a CMS tricky.

Now that back-to-back conferences and jury duty are over, nose to the grindstone.

Music: Magazine :: shot by both sides

3 Replies to “New J-School RSS Feeds”

  1. I’ve got a similar project on my plate right now. May I ask what CMSs your considering?


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