Amy Sold a Print!

InflammationCongratulations to Amy for selling one of her photographic prints to a pair of Norwegian art collectors. Inflammation is a 30″x40″ (mural-size) image of a rotten banana — immense and grotesque, bursting at the seams with the fullness of its own decay. Kind of grim, but beautiful in a dark sort of way. Amy’s a master printer, but hasn’t had her hands in the chemicals since she became pregnant with Miles a few years ago. This was one of a pair of major works she’s sold in the past few years, what with her hands full being a mommy. Now itching to start creating new work. As Miles enters preschool before long, I look forward to hearing the click of shutters around the house again, to seeing her creative side in full blossom – one of the reasons I fell in love with her to begin with.

The woman who purchased “Inflammation” is an anesthesiologist. Go figure.

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