Miles-the-hipster likes the music of toy-piano-band Twink. He bops his head up and down and giggles when I play them. The new Twink album comes with a picture book (no words) featuring Twink the rabbit going out to play his toy piano in the forest, then being joined by other animals with their own toy instruments. Is this music for kids that grownups can also enjoy, or the other way ’round? Be sure to check out Twink’s gallery of toy instruments, as well as the FAQ where they list other bands that have the same name as previously existing bands (I wrote to ask them to add old Air and new Air).
Music: Twink :: Catnip
My friend James ( was contacted by some former (?) member of Jethro Tull, I believe, stating that James’ bandname “Thread” was infringing on theirs, and asked him to cease and desist.
When James pointed Mr. Ex-Tull at his registered trademark, however, he decided to back down (although he still released CDs as “Thread”).
I have real problems categorising old Air and new Air in my MP3 collection… “Air (Henry Threadgill)” makes them more searchable but yet somehow less aesthetically pleasing.
Dan, perhaps let them mingle for maximum effect?
you might be interested in picking up a copy of Pianosaurus’ – Groovy Neighborhood … Chuck Berry covers on toy pianos.
You can’t lose.