Oops, Dave Barry’s finger slipped and he ended up accidentally publishing the phone number of the American Telemarketers Association. Hope that didn’t inconvenience anyone there who, I dunno, maybe didn’t want to be called?
Oops, looks like the ATA got a bunch of unwanted phone calls. Thanks Jeff C.
My new favorite anti-telemarketer tactic: Feign interest and get caller hooked, then ask them to please hold. Put phone down and walk away. Waste someone’s time? Never!
Music: Pablo Casals :: Suite No. 5 in C minor
I saw on the news that one in ten calls actually nets a sale for these telemarketers.
In the same segment an interview with a telemarketer who was upset that the National Do Not Call list would be putting an end to her “career”.
Career! Well, somebody’s gotta aim high. Power to ’em.