Amy and Miles staying on in MN for another week, leaving me rare chance to see movies etc. Went with Chris to American Splendor — the movie interpretation of the underground comic of the same name. Paul Giametti as Harvey Pekar the perfect brilliant sadsack. Movie oscillates b/w dramatic recreation of the comic and conversation with Pekar himself. Layered, just like American Splendor itself was drawn by alternating artists.
As much as the movie deals with depression sans Hollywood, it’s also very funny, and in a peculiar way, delightful. A string of strange, simple poignancies. Pekar looks at self in mirror, mutters “Now there’s a reliable disappointment.” Also loved the scene of his neurotic wife in the bathroom mistaking WD-40 for air freshener (am I alone in thinking that WD-40 smells great?)
I picked up the new American Splendor anthology yesterday. It’s as brilliant as the movie. My mind is blown.