Six-Toed One-Eyed Battery Operated Laser Sloths

The best car commercial ever made has no computer generated graphics … The top 100 hoaxes of all time … Is there a secret city under Tokyo? … transforms hella long URLs into wee teensy ones for use in email etc, for free … Know your philosophical fallacies … She’s a flight risk (read older posts before more recent ones to grok what’s going on) … Things my girlfriend and I argue about (no, Amy and I don’t argue like this) … Take a deep breath, they’re only forklift extensionsMad props to Apple for taking up the mantle with indie labels, and for keeping the playing field level … Wing gives The Shaggs a run for their money … Know a migraine sufferer? These headache tips are indispensable … Turn boring old hot dogs into octodogsSix-Toed One-Eyed Battery Operated Laser Sloths.

Music: Wizards of Twiddly :: Mr Know All

8 Replies to “Six-Toed One-Eyed Battery Operated Laser Sloths”

  1. On the theme of a secret underground city in Tokyo, there are many secret, abandoned, or forgotten man-made structures hiding beneath various cities.

    Infiltration is a magazine that covers what it calls Urban Exploration.

    From their links page I’ve looked up my own city and to my amazement discovered there is a tunnel carved through solid sandstone beginning from the just outside my home on the coast, going 1.4 miles inland. Although it does serve as a storm water overflow outlet, it is suspciously over-engineered and large for that purpose. The inland end of it stops near a former military barracks.

  2. Pingback: Mercurial

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