
A piece I wrote years ago for a book of Pagan Kennedy’s, The Cosmology of P-Funk, just had an unanticipated spillover effect — a fellow name of Brian Benson apparently used it as a springboard for a master’s thesis on how Parliament-Funkadelic connects to the Transcendentalist movement. He sent me the finished piece, Transcefunkadentalism, with an invitation to post it on (old school) birdhouse alongside my earlier piece. It’s very good. His appendix contained a bunch of complete P-Funk lyrics, so I removed his appendix :-) to avoid possible copyright issues.

Brian adds, “My prof and I are trying to get this published in the “English Journal,” a mag for English teachers. This makes me laugh.” He’s interested in feedback, so drop him a note if you dig it.

Music: Peter Tosh :: Brand New Second Hand

3 Replies to “Transcefunkadentalism”

  1. Pingback: X-POLLEN
  2. This is really cool, Scot. Both your piece and Brian Benson’s are extremely interesting, fun to read, and educational. (I haven’t finished either, but will as soon as I finish some work….) And it’s kind of mind blowing in its own right that an article written for a Pagan Kennedy zine not only lives on, but is inspiring serious scholarship. That’s great!

  3. Pingback: Brilliant Corners

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