What a weekend. Insane amount of work getting Amy’s darkroom and office torn down, finding places for everything. Great cleansing experience letting go of material stuff to make room for us to share an office space. Then up till midnight Friday scrubbing walls and spackling.
Up at 6:30 the next morning spackling again in my underwear (mmm, that doesn’t sound quite right ;), then off to Josh and Minette’s for early morning wedding in a Redwood Groove in the Berkeley Hills, near the botanical gardens. About 100 people, most of them buddhists. Josh is my oldest friend – since junior high – and lives right next door. Celestial light streaming through the redwoods, much chanting and music. Lovely ceremony, then up to the park for reception – hours in the sun seeing old friends, including the old Milky Way crew – feasting, dancing. Yassir and Fuson played live Moroccan Gnawa music, amazing. Other friends of Josh’s put together a more-or-less impromptu dirty blues band – gritty Son House / Leadbelly stuff.
Napped for a couple of hours, then got out the paint and rollers and got the wall coat done in the baby’s room – entire ceiling and walls, minus trim – cranking the Pretenders, righteous work music. Finished painting at midnight, totally exhausted. Tonight after work and after swimming and after dinner will do all the trim and baseboards.