Amy and I went after work to Wheeler auditorium to see a lecture by Sebastião Salgado. I had put up a page promoting the event a few days ago, but it turned out that the whole city of Berkeley wanted to be there. We arrived 20 minutes early and were turned away along with thousands (not exaggerating) of other people.
Kissthisguy got mentioned in PC Mag as one of the web’s 100 best “undiscovered sites.” (Thanks for the headsup, dhuff).
Insane day at work. I’m really starting to feel like part of the staff, involved in tons of stuff, not just hunkered down in a lonely dungeon. It’s nice. My to-do list is starting to stretch way beyond what I can do in the next few months.
Amy and I saw “A Beautiful Mind” Sunday afternoon. Really, really loved it. Didn’t expect to be so impressed by R. Crowe. Always love Ed Harris. Have long been fascinated by people who see patterns everywhere they look – faces in clouds, in fences, in bushes, etc. They’re there, but not there. Anyway, heard long ago there’s a correspondence between advanced pattern recognition, intelligence, and schizophrenia. So it was interesting to see this story of that correspondence benefitting someone so acutely, then ruining them so deeply. We talked about it for a long time afterwards.