
deduction.jpgRecently came across this in a drawer at my pop’s house — the announcement of my birth, which my parents sent to their friends and family (10/19/64, 8lbs 14oz). Pictured is the IRS’ 1040 long form as seen through a blue (for boys) filter, with a possibly reasonable facsimile of me superimposed over the top. Inside, the announcement is signed: “The Tax Payers (And Proud Parents), Jim and Avis Hacker.” It’s good to be loved.

Miles just had his first birthday on 9/23, but woke up with a bad headcold, snot bubbles bubbling. His party was cancelled, but he got a little pounding bench and a new pair of shoes anyway :). We’ll have a makeup party soon.

Music: John Oswald :: aria – glenn gould

One Reply to “Deduction”

  1. Happy Birthday to Miles :)I hope he’s back to feeling 100% now. And i love that IRS :D

    My niece turned one on the 15th :)

    Take care Scot.

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