Contradictions in Photography Advice

I’ve watched a lot of photography youtube and listened to a lot of photography podcasts and read a lot of photography articles, and one thing has jumped out at me: For every piece of loudly-spoken advice, there is a piece of equal and opposite counter-advice (The First Law of Photodynamics). I finally got around to gathering up as much of the conflicting advice as I could think of and putting it together in a single article – hope someone finds it useful.

Contradictions in Photography Advice, at Medium

Foggy fishing at Moss Landing

Exploring Vintage lenses

My first vintage lens, recently arrived from Ukraine. This is a 1976 Helios 44mm f2 M-style screw mount (I recently overestimated its age, sorry). Verified not to be radioactive. Amazing how cheap these things are on eBay, but still perfectly serviceable with the right (cheap) adapter. Loving the slightly soft focus, if I can nail it. Some neighborhood shots of Magnolias in bloom.