Displaying Django User Messages with Angular.js

Django’s Messages framework is an elegant workhorse, and I’ve never built a Django site that didn’t use it for displaying success/failure/info messages to users after certain actions are taken (like logging in successfully or adding an item to a cart).

But wouldn’t it be cool if you could use that functionality client-side, delivering user messages to be processed as JSON data rather than statically outputting messages to generated HTML? On a recent project, I needed to do this because Varnish caching doesn’t let you mark page fragments as non-cacheable, so statically generated messages were not an option. But there are all sorts of reasons you might want to handle Django Messages client-side.


Here’s how to accomplish the job in a really lightweight way, without the need for a full-blown REST API app like Django Rest Framework or Tastypie, and with Angular.js (which is, IMO, the best of the current crop of JavaScript application frameworks).
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