Mixing Static and Dynamic IPs

ORA blog: Four machines on the internal network needed DHCP addresses, while one needed to use a public static IP. So how do you configure a LinkSys router to handle two subnets at once? Answer: you don’t. Instead, stick a hub inline between the DSL modem and the router. One port on the hub can then connect to the server (which is of course now without firewall!) and another port into the router’s WAN port.

        DSL Modem
 ----Hub Crossover Port------
|                            |
|                            |
Hub Port                  Hub Port 
   |                         |
   |                         |
 Server                 Router WAN Port
                        |             |
                        |             |
                     DHCP Comp.    DHCP Comp.   

Tip of the hat to Kurt on this one.


Update, next morning: Everything groovy, except… the unanticipated consequence of all this is that I’ve now taken the server off the home subnet. And that means the SliMP3 suddenly can’t find its mothership, printer sharing goes away, and access to our Drop Boxes and other AppleTalk/Rendezvous sharing goes away. We all still have internet access, but I’ve traded one set of problems for another. I think the best solution then would be to just use Port Forwarding via the router for server needs, then someday set up a dedicated server that doesn’t require subnet access.

Music: Los Zafiros :: Ven Puehunguita

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