Does it mean anything if one of your ears is warm while the other is cold? Even if you’ve been inside for hours and haven’t been wearing a hat and can’t think of anything you might have done that could have caused such a thing? Does this mean I’m going to die? Or just that my left brain is running hot for some reason? Ah well – I’m going to die eventually anyway.
William Shatner – “You’re Going to Die”
Music: Electrelane :: This Deed
You’re toast.
the only thing it means, is that you may experience what is called caloric vertigo. Dizziness caused by varying temperatures between vestibular cochlear R & L.
There’s always some clever medical student taking a break from his books looking for a blog to fill. My sympathies, both my ears are cold a lot of the time, since the start of this year, soon after i had a collapse. The William Shatner is funny, thanks.
I now have some understanding to why 1 ear is hot and 1 also changes in each ear from week to week and mostly day to day
I think it’s weird
I’ve never been able to find an answer for it that worked for me because sometimes my ears are just like you said. Not everyday but more than a few times a week at some point in the day, one of my ears will be hot and the other will be cold. The other thing is I don’t ever have dizziness unless I’m super sick. My mom so cleverly has told me since I was young that it was because I was and am a Gemini. So…that’s definitely why right?
For me, keeping my ears, neck and wrists warm is important. It’s intriguing to find that often one of my ears is hot, not warm, and the other cold.
My right ear is warmer , and also my right testy hangs lower – I think it’s related . Need clarification please !
I am not a doctor, but I think both are pretty normal.