On the WP-Hackers mailing list, WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg offers 7 WP predictions for 2007:
* We’ll do 3 major point releases
* People will start Wordcamps around the globe
* WP will become the #1 used tool on the Technorati 100
* Daily spam will be 10x what it is today
* WYSIWYG will no longer annoy savvy writers
* Several new WP-based companies will start
* We’ll figure out the whole plugin/theme directory thing
10x more comment spam? I don’t doubt it, but scary indeed when you look at Akismet’s graphs showing the rise of comment spam through 2006.
See also Heise Security’s half-serious-but-plausible 2007 in Review.
Music: Lennie Tristano/Lee Konitz/Warne Marsh :: Mean To Me