When the diagnosis rolled in and I realized what the treatment schedule was going to look like, I made a list of all my spring and summer plans to figure out what to cancel. Which was pretty much everything – there’s no way to take a break in the radiation course, nor to move it to another clinic. Because I’ll need the custom-fit fiberglass mask that will strap my head down in perfect position and be bolted to a tray that will clip into the radiation toboggan, and because it’s essential that the radiologist have consistent experience with patients, I can’t go anywhere for two months once treatment begins. Add in recovery time, and we can pretty much call it three months.

So I canceled plans for a couple of organized rides, told my parents I wouldn’t be able to visit Morro Bay for a while, and told Ward that backpacking was out for me this Spring.
That left the annual work ski trip, which always happens in late March, and is a highlight of the year for me. We love to do one day of snowboarding/skiing, and one day of snowshoeing, eat a lot of great food, and get to know people in other departments. But when I brought it up with the oncology surgeon a couple of weeks ago, he surprised me by saying “You have to go – it’ll be a great outdoor experience to remember when you’re in the thick of things, and a reminder of what you want to get back to when this is all over. ” Good advice. Turns out he’s an active snowboarder too.
Last Thursday, I loaded the car with snow gear and curry ingredients and headed for Tahoe to spend a few days in a cabin with workmates. We didn’t spend a ton of time talking about my situation, and I appreciated that – we just ate and skied and played games and enjoyed each other’s company.
On Saturday, we once again snowshoed to Chickadee Ridge. I used one of the lens holders in my photography backpack to hold a container of birdseed. At the summit, in a cluster of ancient rocks and weathered cypress, we filled our palms with seed and held them high. Chickadees flitted down from the trees to eat out of our palms – ornithological magic.

On the last day, while getting ready to say goodbye in the parking lot, we had a wonderful group hug and everyone radiated their own flavors of positive vibrations my way, which I gratefully accepted.

I was more tired than usual on the trip, and needed some downtime between adventures, but am so glad I went for it – I’ll be returning in my mind to this little adventure over the next few months.
Scot – you managed to get an even more awesome chickadee(S!) in flight pic than last time! :O This was a wonderful read. So glad to have spend this wonderful time with you. Don’t forget about King Gizz eco metal if you’re needing a pick me up ;)
Thanks! A lot of duds, but yes that one worked out very well. I’m so grateful to have been able to spend the time with you guys too – thanks for being there, and for your support! I’ll get that Eco playlist translated to Apple Music soon. Long live King Gizzard!