Miles and I trekked up to the Physics of the Circus exhibit at the Lawrence Hall of Science recently — he was just big enough to be allowed on the trapeze. Talk about one of those days when I wished I had a proper camera on me. This cell phone business doesn’t cut it. He wasn’t heavy enough to bounce it himself, so they had to “fly” him manually by tugging rhythmically on the elastic stays. Then I got a turn to get harnessed up and try some flip-dee-doos (which was exhausting). In mid-twist, I heard a small voice calling to me from the ground: “You’re doing great, Daddy!” Wanted to jump down and hug him.
Yesterday, zookeepers from the East Bay Vivarium came to Miles’ preschool. When they asked if anyone wanted to volunteer to let a tarantula walk on their head, M’s hand shot up. No shots of that, but he apparently wasn’t scared a bit.
Fly on, little wing.
Sweet. Logan’s just 8mos or else I’d already be making plans to take him to the Pacific Science Center’s piece on Grossology, explaining all the ‘gross’ things our bodies do but we’ll have to hope there will be something similar in a few more years.
Heh – Interesting how these exhibits move around between museums. The Physics of the Circus exhibit arrived at Berkeley from Ontario. And the Grossology exhibit was here before it – looks like it migrated from Berkeley to you :)