Want to subpoena some gubmint email? Might be tough if the correspondents are using addresses @gwb43.com (think about that domain name for a second) rather than @whitehouse.gov.
whois gwb43.com
Republican National Committee
310 First Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
Domain Name: GWB43.COM
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Republican National Committee dns@RNCHQ.ORG
310 First Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
999 999 9999 fax: 999 999 9999
Record expires on 16-Jan-2008.
Record created on 16-Jan-2004.
Database last updated on 4-Apr-2007 11:54:31 EDT.
Domain servers in listed order:
Who administers TRESPASSERS-W.NET? A little outfit called Coptix. And here’s Karl Rove with a Coptix brochure under his arm. Coptix claims the image has been Photoshopped, the brochure added artificially; Correntwire disagrees.
But let’s not get hung up on the photo. Whether Rove is involved in this or not, the law requires that public business be conducted on a public server. But Karl Rove does about 95% of his email through the RNC-controlled account — which is listed in DNS with a false phone number (illegal). Bypassing government-provided DNS servers gives the RNC the ability to bypass public oversight, to make a quick phone call and change email forwarding options in DNS, or to have email records destroyed, away from taxpayer’s prying eyes. Feeling warm-n-fuzzy yet?
Thanks Hamrah
The “Trespassers W” connection is several steps beyond laugh-out-loud funny. Amelia (our four-year-old daughter, for those readers who don’t know her) just recently finished Winnie the Pooh with us, and her favorite phrase in the whole book is…drumroll please…”Trespassers W.” For the Pooh-deprived, it refers to a broken sign in front of Piglet’s treehouse that probably originally read “trespassers will” something or other. Piglet, however, insists that it refers to his grandfather whose name was “Trespassers Will.” Amelia viewed the Trespassers W business as a secret code; she’d whisper in my ear “Trespassers W, daddy” as if we were sharing a special private transmission. I think she’s going to like Pynchon novels someday.
Of all the Kid Lit references out there, Trespassers W is an interesting choice for a gang that has specialized in avoiding public accountability and intruding on others’ civil liberties. Which makes me wonder: Which Pooh character is Karl Rove’s favorite?
And guess who wants the DNS Root Master Key?
Roger, the connection is utterly surreal. And hilarious. When I first read your message, I thought it was a coincidence too weird to handle. Then I remembered that we nerds are fond of naming machines after mythical characters, elements from novels, etc. (me, I tend to name my hard drives after cheeses of the world, but that’s another story). So it’s likely that the Coptix nerds picked Trespassers W as a hostname right out of Pooh, rather than it being the scary be wary name I first thought of it as. Gotta give ’em credit – it’s a good hostname.
When Amelia is 11 and you explain to her all about Turd Blossom and her semi-secret historical connection (via Milne) to his legacy of subterfuge, she’ll know she’s living in a very special country indeed.
James – Thanks for the link. Mighty weird stuff.
I would like to know if there is a site that is dedicated to those that find pertinent data re: gwb43.com and associated data findings. I found associated data , names whoise hx, email hx’s,dates of sent emails etc . As I search each item, I find more data. It’s as if I am following a numbers game. But what to do with the data, as it differs from the usual data that’s been floating around the net.