
Today this amazing Flash cartoon / advertisement for Kikkoman soy sauce became the first cartoon Miles ever watched. Show Me / Show You / Kikkoman!

Spoiler: the “Souce” gets the girl.

Amy’s parents in town for a few days to meet Miles – we’re taking it slow, enjoying time together.

Music: Sun Ra :: The Idea Of It All

11 Replies to “Kikkoman”

  1. Just saw the same Kikkoman comic via memepool.

    Kikkoman just became my newest favorite superhero. Glad to see Miles is getting exposed to positive role models ;-)

  2. Pingback: mespeak
  3. Magically delicious. Surprised that the subtitles don’t illuminate the pun on “Show you” vs. “shoyu” (shoyu is soy sauce). But that was wonderful.

  4. I LOVE this! So glad to have found the translation, thanks everyone!!! It’s been haunting me since I first saw it, and I’ve been on a mission to know what it’s all about…I actually e-mailed Kikkoman Soy Sauce and they said they don’t comment on it. OOPS!!! :)

  5. Hey I was wondering could someone send me the lyrics to the Japanese version of the Kikkoman song. I love it alot and I want to sing it to all my friends. Thanks for putting that up there.

  6. Oh yeah and did you know that “Show you” is actually a homonym for a japanese word that means soy sauce. Isn’t that great? Later…

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