Crestshot-1 Birdhouse Hosting welcomes – the web site for Miles’ K-5 cooperative in Richmond, CA. I inherited the site a few months ago, and bid for the opportunity to host it at Birdhouse. Converted the site from Joomla to WordPress a month ago, then got started on a new design. The new look is based on the excellent Mimbo theme (though the end result barely looks related). Even had the opportunity to contribute a few tidbits to the WordPress Codex in the process.

Music: Nellie McKay :: Oversure

Miles (Mis-)Quotes Yoda

A bit unclear on the concept… or is he?

Anger leads to hate
Hate leads to dumb
Dumb leads to stupid
Stupid leads to dead
Dead leads to nothing
Nothing leads to nothing
Nothing leads to nothing
Nothing leads to nothing
Nothing leads to nothing…

And then…

Love leads to sorrow
Sorrow leads to pain
Pain leads to friends forever